Thousands of drawings, letters and prayers are arriving from children all over the world, a sign that surprised us but was, after all, to be expected

Thousands of drawings, letters and prayers are arriving from children all over the world, a sign that surprised us but was, after all, to be expected
Indeed, children have always been in the heart of Pope Francis, a love that has found expression in numerous gestures and initiatives in recent years.
Thousands of drawings, letters and prayers are arriving from children all over the world, a sign that surprised us but was, after all, to be expected.

Indeed, children have always been in the heart of Pope Francis, a love that has found expression in numerous gestures and initiatives in recent years.

Thousands of drawings, letters and prayers are arriving from children all over the world, a sign that surprised us but was, after all, to be expected. Indeed, children have always been in the heart of Pope Francis, a love that has found expression in numerous gestures and initiatives in recent years.

Firstly, the meeting with the little ones on 6 November initiated an even stronger bond between Pope Francis and children around the world. Afterwards, the Pope personally responded with a letter to thousands of children who had attended that meeting, expressing gratitude and affection to them. Not only words, but also concrete actions such as the introduction of the World Children's Day, an event that had global resonance and found its way into the pastoral work of the Church, globally, nationally and locally.

The words of Pope Francis echo solemnly and strongly: ‘We have gathered here at the Olympic Stadium, to give the “kick-off” to a movement of children who want to build a world of peace, where we are all brothers and sisters, a world that has a future, because we want to take care of the environment that surrounds us.’

As a testimony to this profound concern, the Pontifical Committee for World Children's Day was also established, with the aim of looking after and coordinating children's activities throughout the Church.

In this context, one should not be surprised by the response of the children, who managed to send touching messages to the Pope. Their words and drawings represent a caress that Pope Francis, in these difficult days for the Church and the whole world, has certainly received with gratitude. These gestures of affection, even in their simplicity, are a sign of hope. At a time when the Church is under the weight of poison, fake news and harsh criticism, children are sending us a clear message: we need to start again from them, from that purity and simplicity that the adult world often tends to forget.

At a time marked by venom, fake news and fierce criticism, children are reminding us to start again from them. A sign of affection and support that comes through loud and clear.

Among the messages that touch the heart, there is the drawing by Axel, a Peruvian child who depicted Pope Francis smiling with an inscription wishing him a speedy recovery. Then there are the group works by the children of the Fraternamente Association of Taurianova, like that of Emma, who drew a world populated by children with the exhortation: ‘Pray for all the children of the world’.

Even from more difficult and needy places come messages full of affection, like that of Gabriel, a 5-year-old boy from Brazil, who writes: ‘Dear Pope Francis, with my friends at school and at home before going to sleep I pray for you and for all the children of the world’.

Together with them, we make the words of the little ones our own: Come on Pope Francis, we love you! A message that crosses borders, languages and cultures, testifying to the strength of a bond that is renewed every day thanks to the sincerity and purity of children.
