Press Area

All the resources for the press

Press Manager

Roberto Pacilio


Access the folder to download press materials


Access the folder to download photos and videos


Journalists and media operators who intend to participate in the meetings on 25 and 26 May must send a request, within 24 hours of the event, through the online accreditation system of the Holy See Press Office, at the following link:


Download the World Children's Day 2024 poster and promote the event with us!

    Celebrants (Cardinals, Bishops, Priests) can register at the Celebrations Office    
    Celebrants (Cardinals, Bishops, Priests) can register at the Celebrations Office    
    Celebrants (Cardinals, Bishops, Priests) can register at the Celebrations Office    
    Celebrants (Cardinals, Bishops, Priests) can register at the Celebrations Office    
    Celebrants (Cardinals, Bishops, Priests) can register at the Celebrations Office    
    Celebrants (Cardinals, Bishops, Priests) can register at the Celebrations Office    
    Celebrants (Cardinals, Bishops, Priests) can register at the Celebrations Office    
    Celebrants (Cardinals, Bishops, Priests) can register at the Celebrations Office    
    Celebrants (Cardinals, Bishops, Priests) can register at the Celebrations Office    
    Celebrants (Cardinals, Bishops, Priests) can register at the Celebrations Office    